Early Miami, Oklahoma Businesses.

      Pre 1920s autos and motorists at Afton, Oklahoma.  The cars may have been sold at Miami Automobile Co.  This may be part of an advertisement for that company.  A large view of the autos and men can be seen in the "Photos of People" section of the website.  Photo from collection of John Schehrer.
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This building was located on North Main Street in Miami where Braum's now stands.  The old building was still there in the 1950s before the area was commercialized to the extent that it is today..  It may have been a hotel in the early days and towards the end it was used as a mop factory.  The Miami Airport was located west of this place.
1/22/13 t.
This photo was taken looking northeast toward the bank at the corner of what is now Main and Central.  This is where the First National Bank now stands.  The Hotel Commercial stood where the big building is at the southeast corner of that intersection.  The opera house stood west of the hotel and it's shadow can be seen.  Central Ave used to be named 4th street.